Helping people master their lives
I've invested (and still do) thousands of pounds and thousands of hours into my own development and growth. To ensure my contribution, credentials, credibility and most importantly my coaching practice is of the highest value to clients.
Being accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a qualified NLP Practitioner & NLP Coach, and Certified Business and Personal Coach is a powerful combination. Not to forget a former Tony Robbins Results Coach.
I work with individuals and businesses across the globe to take professionals from good to great by developing their self-leadership. This is your ability to influence and guide towards your highest aims whilst building your self-trust and get the results you desire.
I am passionate about personal development and supporting people to become the best version of themselves. An ICF (PCC) & NLP Certified coach that brings proven techniques and tools to support the journey from where you are now - to where you want to be.
In addition, I bring over 20 years of Finance and Commercial experience, driving from ground zero to holding roles at the highest levels within global multi million pound organisations.
You will strengthen your resourcefulness for taking action towards achieving your goals and experience positive changes in your life. We get you on a success cycle where your action get results which make you want to make more happen.
Traditional methods may get you to act a different way temporarily - Transformational Coaching is about creating the future without the constraints of the past. This shifts your paradigm so you THINK a different way, which empowers your feelings, actions and most importantly results!
Ultimately, If you have seven ways of being stuck then we have eight ways to get you unstuck. (One more than you even need!)
“You become unstoppable when you work on things people can’t take away.
Things like your mindset, character, personality, your entire being”
You’re in great hands
Our first powerful session is just one step away
Click the link below and schedule an introductory call.