What is Coaching?

A professional connection between a client and a coach that is designed to improve the client's performance and progress.

It is a series of confidential one-on-one conversations to identify and prioritise goals, strengths, skills and behavioural gaps that prevent goals from being fulfilled.

Exploring new methods and behaviours, resulting in a concrete actionable plan which is tried in real life by the client.

We measure the impact in line with the goals established by the client at the outset.

Our coaching together takes people from good to great.

Develop strong self-leadership, which is your ability to influence and guide toward your highest aims, potential, capabilities and purpose.

We build and strengthen your capacity for self reliance, trust and direction - Regardless of the situation or circumstance.


Is the belief in one's own skills to attain goals and trusting yourself to overcome challenges. Self-confidence is more outwardly focused, it is derived from knowledge and practise; The more experience we have in something, the more confidence we gain in it.

To have strong self-confidence one must trust in one's ability to interact with the environment.

Developing self-confidence usually leads to successful experiences, which boosts self-confidence in those areas even more even in the presence of fear.

True confidence enables you to be assertive, proactive and focused whilst becoming your best self so you can make your impact.


Self-esteem describes how you think and feel about yourself, which changes based on mood, circumstance, performance, or the approval of others. Self-esteem is inward facing and guides our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and therefore results in life.

“Esteem comes from the Latin word aestimare, meaning “to appraise, value, rate, or estimate” and is thus our own appraisal of our worth.

Self-esteem is formed through our life experiences as well as our relationships with others. Individuals with strong self-esteem do not need to prop themselves up using income or status and do not fear failure or rejection.

Additionally, they are open to new experiences and are accepting of themselves and others.

Want to work together?

Click the link below and schedule an introductory call